I feel like the Jeopardy song is playing in the background of my dating scene. Only they forgot to include me in the game!
So this week I had some really interesting developments.
No I did not have another date...darn. After the first one I can honestly tell you that I am not looking forward to it unless they can clean up a few things.
Either way...I was told by my Match Maker that if I didn't hear from them in a few days to call them, So I did.
Thursday: I call in the morning and had to leave a message for my Match Maker to call me back, they were busy at the time I called... Night fell and I

Friday: Night falls again and I enjoy a wonderful Thunderstorm alone, each rain drop was music as it hit the various parts of my house...until it started hitting the floor in my living room. Still... no star...no call

Monday: I go to work and send an email "I was told two weeks ago to follow up and every time I call I get told that you will call me back....I think my phone is broke as I haven't had a call back from you!"
Monday Afternoon: My Match Maker calls and is just laughing, she completely fell out of the chair when she read what I wrote to her. Then she drops a bomb....
Match Maker: Colby I was thinking, were you serious about offering to come in her and pick out your own match?
Colby: Yes if that is what it takes
Match Maker: What would you say to becoming a Match Maker and setting up other people?
Colby: Well I would be all for it, except that I have a job that I enjoy
Match Maker: We would only need you for a few hours at a time
Colby: I could do it in the mornings before I go to my other job, are you serious?
Match Maker: Yes, I would have to have it approved with Corporate, but you are exactly what we are looking for, and I think you would be perfect.
Colby: I live an hour away, so it would have to be well worth my time to come in for just a few hours a day
Match Maker: I think we can work that out, let me get a hold of Corporate and see what they say. We need help in this office badly as they have not been able to hire any qualified candidates for Match Makers.
Colby: Well find out and let me know, I am up for it as long as financially its worth the time
So far I have not heard from them, but who knows this could be fun. I would be able to pick my own date...and toy around with others as I match them up...
Match Maker-- Match Maker-- Make me a match....Find me a Find.... Catch me a Catch...Match Maker-- Match Maker...Look through your book and make me a PERFECT MATCH!
Who knows if they pay enough I could move to the city and just rent out my place! I can see it now....What do you think about that ordeal?